The Chronicles of Hell  
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The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
The Chronicles of Hell
  The Chronicles of Hell
Narrated by Magomet Dalayev, 11 years (born on March 13, 1988)
Q: Can you tell what you remember about that day, October 29? What did you see?
A: Our convoy was fired upon by long-range artillery.
Q: What convoy was that, and where were you located?
A: It was a refugee convoy; we were near Tolstoy-Yurt (Dokar-Evl). We were hit by shells, a lot of people died.
Q: Did you see the dead and the wounded?
A: Yes, I did. There were a lot of wounded and many corpses too. Those looked different [from one another]: some were missing arms, some were missing legs, and some were missing heads.
Q: What car were you riding? What other cars were there?
A: We were riding GAZ [A Soviet make "Gorkovski Auto Factory" transl. remark]. There were cars of other makings: Zhiguli, Volga , Gazel, other GAZ. Too many were destroyed; I don't know how many exactly. I wasn't counting. It wasn't quite the moment for counting.
Q: Were there any cars on fire?
A: Yes, there were some. And there were people trapped inside.
Q: When you saw all that, what were your actions?
A: I tried to get away, to hide; my brothers, my sister, a lady named Umani and a boy named Adam joined me.
Q: Do you remember how long you were hiding in the field?
A: Yes, we spent five nights there; on the sixth day we arrived at Goryachevodsk.
Q: But didn't you realize all this time that there was a settlement nearby? Why didn't you head there earlier?
A: We were too afraid, since all this time the cannonade was going on, and after that we thought that there were checkpoints and that the Russian troops were in that town.
Q: Why were you afraid of the Russians?
A: What do you mean? It was them who kept us under cannon and sniper fire. It was them who killed Malika Emiyeva.
I saw it all myself.
Q: When you arrived at the town, what happened?
A: We were fed, cleaned up, dressed, and sent to a hospital. We had arrived all dirty, poorly dressed, hungry, wearing no shoes, since they were left in the car.
Q: What did you eat and drink all this time?
A: All this time we ate wild roses' fruits and once, when it was raining, we drank the rainwater.
Chechnya, 1999
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